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The Tea Girl Of Hummingbird Lane One Pager

By Roee Mamet for Spill The Tea

In her novel The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane, Lisa See’s exploration of the role of family contributes to Li-yan searching for Haley, and vice versa. It also connects to the idea that your family loves you no matter what.

Quote 1

“I know her too, because I've seen traces of her in my face in the mirror. My mother. My a-ma” (page 364)

Speaker: Haley

Context: Haley is visiting China during tea picking season for a research paper, and to get more information on the tea cake

Literal Meaning: Haley recognizes Li-yan as her biological mother by just looks showing how connected they are as a family.

Connection to Theme: It shows the bittersweet feeling of finding a long lost family member, and showing how important it was to Haley to find her biological mother.

Quote 2

“I will never give up searching for Yan-yeh [Haley], but now, at 11:00, I force myself to move on to business” (page 325)

Speaker: Li-yan

Context: Li-yan has been checking Facebook forums to see if her daughter has posted in search of her, although not knowing anything about her

Literal Meaning: Li-yan wants, and feels the need to find her daughter, but still has to carry on with her day-to-day life.

Connection to Theme: Li-yan doesn’t want to give up searching for her daughter, and will do so at any cost.

Conflict in relation to the Theme

Conflict Drawing

This visual shows that in the book, no matter the circumstances, or distance, family will try and find family, family will miss family, and family would wait for family


The symbol, tea leaves, show the strong bonds of family by showing how relationships are made taken care of, similar to the process of making tea. This the tea leaves are in a similar situation to Li-yan and Haley as they continue looking for each other throughout the years

Author’s Purpose and Impact

The author, Lisa See, explores the mysteries and wonders of family love through Li-yan and Haley's journey. This helps the readers understand the nature of how family works and understands each other. It also shows the occasional struggles and yearns to be together when far apart.